The notebook is a romantic film directed by Nick Cassavetes with 2 stars: Rachel McAdams and Ryan Gosling. The notebook is a romantic love story of a poor boy that fell in love with a beautiful rich girl. Despite disparate backgrounds, the two found they have a lot in common and the boy always tried to provethat they were belonging together.
Rachel McAdams stars as Allie who paid a visit to North Carolina with her rich parents, while Noah (Ryan Gosling) was a hard working, dirty-poor local boy. They had a blossom summer loving. But Allie’s parents tried to split the two up, forever. Time had gone, after 7 years Noah coincidentally saw Allie in the street. At that time, Allie had to choose between her rich charming fiancĂ© (James Marsden) and her first love.
Each of the actors was pitch-perfect in the movie. Especially Rachel McAdams, her acting was absolute fantastic. Besides the scenes were beautiful and the music was lovely, but sometime they seemed easy sleeping.
For summary, the notebook is a gentle romantic tale for not only women but also for anyone who wants to believe romance is still alive on films and in our lives.
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